At the Montessori School of Agoura, we are committed to providing the highest quality learning environment for children. We strive to implement a regiment for your child’s success, one step at a time.
We have implemented a “prepared environment” here at the Montessori School of Agoura for all the children to have an opportunity to be successful and exceed their fullest potential.
Our objective is simple…provide an atmosphere of learning that is LOVING and SAFE.
With Our Method, Your Child Will Grow
– Learn how to regulate their behavior – Control their impulses – Learn to plan and strategize – Effectively problem solve – Learn to be flexible and self-correct when necessary – Learn to take initiative – Develop responsibility – Engage in depth-based thinking requiring long periods of concentration – Work collaboratively with peers on projects
What is Montessori?
If you are new to Montessori education, often the first question you might ask is
“what makes Montessori different?”
Montessori classrooms are prepared in advance based on observations of the students’ individual needs. They include student-centered lessons and activities.